マレーシア・日本外交関係樹立60周年に際し ダト・アハマッド・イズラン・イドゥリス駐日マレーシア大使から WAU記念号へのメッセージ

この度のWAUの外交関係樹立60周年記念号の発行にあたり、マレーシアの色彩豊かな伝統や文化、特に、伝統芸能、料理、映画、観光などを日本のみなさまに広めるために継続的にご支援、ご尽力くださっているHati Malaysiaのみなさまに、この場をお借りして心から感謝申し上げます。
Hati Malaysiaが、日本におけるその活動とWAUの定期的な発行を通して、マレーシアと日本の二国間関係をより強いものにするためにこれからも貢献され、ひきつづき重要な役割を果たされることを願っています。
Congratulatory message from H.E. Dato’ Ahmad Izlan Idris, Ambassador of Malaysia to Japan, on the occasion of The 60th Anniversary of The Establishment of Malaysia-Japan Diplomatic Relations.
The year 2017 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Japan. To commemorate the anniversary, a series of events and activities have been and will be organised throughout the year by the two countries, the highlight of which was the official visit of His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Japan to Malaysia in April 2017. The visit further cemented the already strong bonds of friendship between Malaysia and Japan.
In the past 60 years, we have witnessed the growing and the strengthening of our bilateral relations as manifested by the regular exchanges of visits at various levels, and the ever increasing links in the areas of trade, investment, tourism, education, infrastructure development, science and technology, as well as cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
One of the significant developments in Malaysia-Japan ties was the decision by the leaders of the two countries to elevate our relationship to that of a Strategic Partnership in 2015 to further consolidate and take our relations to new heights in the coming years.
60 years of friendship is indeed a momentous achievement for both Malaysia and Japan. There is much more that we can achieve, and I am confident that we will continue to diligently work together towards achieving that aim.
In conjunction with the publication of a special issue of the WAU newspaper this month to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to Hati Malaysia for its continued support and commitment in promoting Malaysia’s colourful heritage and cultures especially its traditional performing arts, cuisines, films as well as its tourist offerings to the people of Japan.
I hope that Hati Malaysia will continue to contribute and play a significant role in the strengthening of Malaysia-Japan bilateral relations through its activities and regular publication of the WAU newspaper in Japan.
Thank you.
[この記事はWAU No.13(2017年9月号)から転載しています。]