

Can you share with us a little bit about yourself? (How you became film director and so far how many films did you direct & etc.)
I’m from a small town in Perak state of Malaysia. I always wanted to be a filmmaker since I was a kid. I studied mass communication (major in TV and film) in University Science of Malaysia. I moved to KL in 2004 and worked in TV industry for few years. Used to make travelogs, documentaries, Children & Women programs for TV while making shortfilms for passion. After sometimes I decided to quit TV since I couldn’t express myself freely. In 2011 I founded my own Production house and in 2015 I made my debut film ‘Jagat’.
What made you to want to make the film, “Jagat”?
(How do you get the idea for the story?)
Jagat is an semiautobiography of myself. I always wanted to tell the story to the world. When I was doing TV Programs, I was fed up when the TV stations have stich guidance on what to show and what not to. Basically ‘Jagat’ is my revenge to the system.

You said Jagat is like a semi-autobiography for you. So does that mean you are like Appoy when you were a kid, ie more interested in arts than study, and did your father always scold you and tell you to study harder?
I had interest in both academic and arts. Art was always special to my heart. What I was trying to express in the film is on how the system couldn’t able to understand a child extra potential. My father was really strict but he was supportive in my arts efforts. He gave green light for me to pursue any studies (at university). From primary school until secondary even until university I was looking for the real knowledge but what I’ve been receiving was a plain, lame education in my opinion. I’ve found my answer for real knowledge thirst upon completing my university education on which I’ve searched on my own.

I think various social problems surrounding Indian in Malaysia are depicted in this film, such as economic hardship, gangsterism etc. How do you see those problems?
Indians were brought to Malaysia by the British colonial rule to work in the rubber plantations. We worked in these plantations for 200 years, but after the Malaysian government gained independence they later began introducing a new economic policy which gave much attention to the Malays, the majority. There was in fact no proper transformation plan for the minority people. In the 80s, a system called FELDA was introduced, where they give you some land, and when you work on that land, after some years the land belongs to you. This was intended mostly for Malays, and a similar system doesn’t exist for the Indians. Because of this, there were many disaffected Indians in Malaysia. With the plantations, there was at least a system whereby people live in a community, the young people must respect the elder people, there are temples, they have a playground, they are together. When you remove that system, they lose their identity. They didn’t know how to work, so a lot of people ended up in gangs. Some into drugs, and a small number of people had some success in life. But a very small number came out as doctors, lawyers, etc. A lot of people became lorry drivers because it’s manual work and you do not need to study much. A lot of people end up feeling lost in life because of all these factors. So, that transformation period in the late 80s and early 90s is when a lot of people were searching for their identity. I think in general people still lost the identity and mistakenly adopted some other elements as their identity such as India’s popular cultures. More than surrounding and external impacts I think the most important thing is inner self revolution. I don’t believe in outer revolution. When each single person in the society awakens the community awaken automatically.

Your favourite episode or scene in the film, if any?
A few scenes, but the one that really nostalgic to me is the scene where Bala took the drugs in front of Appoy. It happened to me when my uncle ‘Bala’ too used to take drugs in front of me because he trust me and really treat me like an adult, while others used to treat me like a kid when I was 12. Uncle Bala used to share many knowledge and life experience to me. He wants me to witness his downfall so that I never touch drugs in my life, and it works for me until now. Many people rejected the scenes when I narrate it to possible producers, even the censorboard at certain point being hesitant on how could a man take drugs in front of kids, it’s bad example, but different case for me. The problem is we still treating kids like kids, but in my opinion kids are more mature in their own way. Nowadays kids are being exposed with so many things than before, be it good or bad. Rather than preaching bluntly, if told in a nice way, the kids will listen I believe.

I heard most of the casts are not professional.
Why did you want to work with them and not professional actors?
Most Indian /Tamil actors in Malaysia still under heavy influence of India popular culture. People here don’t really intend to create own style /voice in Malaysian films. That’s why I was forced to look out for the non-actors who at least can give me the realism output.

And how did you recruit them (especially the boy who acted main role)?
Most of them are the one used to work with me. Senthil who played ‘Bala’ character, the drug addict character is my DOP, while Kuben who played Maniam character (Appoy’s father) is my AD, while Jibrail who played Mexico character is a local Tamil rock star, who I used to introduce him for TV as Travelog VJ. I met Harvin Raj (Appoy) accidentally in a school when I was shooting a documentary. The first thing I look for the casting is the face cut (the one close to the ordinary people) and their attitude towards work and eagerness to learn. Since I could see these qualities in them, I cast them.
Any difficulties to direct?
Since from my TV show/shortfilm producing/directing days, I have always have been working with the non-actors. Of course, its damn hard to work with non-actors, but I found it less headache since I’m used to work below production luxury. I always wanted the actors to add value to the characters, that only can happen when you work with professional actors, with non-actors, the directors have to control and contribute almost everything to get the performance from them.

Why you put the title “Jagat” from Malay words?
In Malaysia, the Malay people are the majority, and Tamil and Chinese are the minority. Local gangsters use this slang taken from the Malay. It’s ‘Jahat’, but when the Indians pronounce it change it to a ghetto slang, ‘Jagat’. Actually, the initial title for this movie was ‘Appoy’, the name of the young boy in the film, because I started to write it ten years back. But then, as I grew and matured, I understood that this story is not about the boy alone, the story is about the world around him and the system around him. So, that is why I titled the film ‘Jagat’, it means ‘bad’, and represents a bad system. It can also be translated in English as ‘brutal’, which is much more suitable than ‘bad’ I think.

“Jagat” won the best Malaysian film award and became the first Tamil film to be awarded the top prize in Malaysia Film Festival (and you won the best new director). How did you feel?
To be honest I feel numb, almost no much happiness or pressure. I took as a kickstart. But again it’s a relief that finally we contributed something for the future generation filmmakers to practice art without boundary at least for certain extend. The public especially non Malays don’t really care about the national film festival (FFM) since the national film is always based on Malay language only. When we were excluded from the category because Jagat is not in the official language which is Malay, it almost became an issue among Malaysians. People especially non Malays, started to show interest to festival more. Happy for that.
“Jagat” was screened in Malaysia for 9 weeks (and it’s very rare for a Tamil film and also for other films too), and in other countries too. What was the response from the audience?
Golden Sceen Cinema (GSC)のような映画館も、数週間にわたって2つの劇場で映画を上映してくれました。そのうちの一館では9週間にも及びました。
Yes, when we went to the press and public to express our grievance towards the exhibitors, deep inside we wanted to register the problem so that the future filmmakers won’t be affected by the same problem. We didn’t expect it will become viral and help to spread the word about Jagat
As a small film we didn’t have much budget to advertise to whole Malaysian audience, hence we only targeted to Indian segment in the beginning, but the issue really brought us to the whole Malaysian audience.
Many urban audience from all kind of races went to watch the movie. I heard it’s a rare case for the urban audience to actually go and watch a locally made movies.
Even exhibitors like GSC extended 2 theatres for few weeks. One of it ran until 9th week.
The Malaysian Indians don’t really watch locally made movies, they have been exposed to Indian movies from India for so many decades. When they see other races responding well to a Tamil language film, it’s a shocking experience for them.
Can you tell us which countries (film festivals), “Jagat” was screened so far?
How was the response from the audience in Osaka?
- ニューヨークアジア映画祭(New York Asian Film Festival)
- ポーランド・ファイブ・フレイバー映画祭(Five Flavours Film Festival, Poland)
- ハノイ国際映画祭(Hanoi International Film Festival)
- ルアンパバーン映画祭(Luang Prabang Film Festival)
- コタキナバル映画祭(Kota Kinabalu Film Festival)
- シドニー・カラーフェスト(Colourfest, Sydney, Australia)
- バンガロール・東南アジア映画祭(Southeast Asian Film Festival, Banglore, India)
One of a programmer in New York Asian Film Festival mentioned to the public audience that Jagat is his top 3 favourite film. Generally in all the festival including Osaka the audience thanked that now they can understand the Malaysian Indian plight better. Earlier they only know a rough information about Malaysians. One of my translator in Hanoi told me that she could related the story well since her parents used to pressure her to excel in the studies and one of the making video camerawomen in Poland told me that the film made impact to her and she appreciated the way story being told using few characters. A few audience came and told me that they will closely follow my progress. Some audience even in Osaka told me that if the movie is a semiautobiography then they are happy that I could come out from the poverty and system and became a filmmaker. They glad that I’ve chosen the art instead of violence and fame.
How was your trip to Osaka? Did you find any Zen spirit there?
ずっと前から日本を訪れたいと思っていました。禅仏教と日本の文化が好きなので。私の制作会社は「Skyzen Studios」というんですよ。残念なことにあまり長く滞在することができませんでした。第一子の出産予定と重なってしまって、急いで帰らなくてはいけなかったんです。大阪では映画を見ただけで、十分に見て回ることができませんでした。いつか再び大阪と京都を訪問したいと思っています。
I always wanted to visit Japan for so long, since I’m a follower of Zen buddism and Japanese culture. Even my production house name is Skyzen Studios. Unfortunately I couldn’t spend much time there since I have rush back for first child’s arrival. Spent time in Osaka by watching movies only. Couldn’t explore Osaka to the fullest. I wish to come back anytime to Osaka and Kyoto.
Any future plan?
I already have 5 films/projects in mind for upcoming 10 years. As for now we are in midst of writing for the second film. Announcement will be made next year.
取材・文 / 戸加里康子
日本マレーシア学会会員、マレー語通訳、著書に「旅の指差し会話帳 マレーシア」など。マレーシア映画祭最優秀作品賞「Leraki Harapan dunia(世界を救った男たち)」の日本語字幕、Polis Evoの字幕監修、2017年日本でも公開されたヤスミン・アフマド監督の「タレンタイム」の字幕監修など、マレーシア映画との縁も深い。
文/ Rie Takatsuka
[この記事の一部はWAU No.12(2017年6月号)から転載しています。]