On October 22, “Malaysian Durian Sweets Contest 2022” was held at the Embassy of Malaysia in Tokyo. Durian is a perfect match with popular sweets in Japan. The grand prize winner was given to the “Cold Durian Jelly Cake,” a unique twist on the Japanese traditional confectionery! I felt that the potential for durian recipes to be developed in Japan in the future is limitless. As this is a new field, we have high expectations for its future development.

審査基準は、①外観と表現 ②味とバランス ③ドリアンのアイデンティティの三点。最終選考では、ポップコーンやケーキ、クッキーサンド、あんぱんのほか、和菓子のレシピもあり、日本でも馴染みのあるスイーツにドリアンがどのように活かされたのか興味深いコンテストとなりました。
Malaysia, which has a rich agricultural product, also boasts a wide variety of fruits. There are more than 200 types of durian, also known as the king of fruits. Among the most popular is the top-quality Malaysian “Musang King,” which is sweet, slightly bitter, and has a creamy texture.
The Durian Sweets Contest, held to promote Malaysian durian, was an open call for recipes for sweets using the highest quality Malaysian durian paste. Six recipes were selected in the first round of judging from a total of 94 entries, and in the final round of judging, the best recipes were selected through presentations at the contest site and tastings by the judges.
In Japan, many people have never tasted durian because of its strong smell. However, in the contest, many of the recipes were developed to make durian more approachable to Japanese people who have never tasted durian, by combining it with other ingredients to soften the smell and make the durian flavor milder, while still retaining the special aroma of the durian. I was also amazed by the many unique and new recipes that were created with the use of Japanese ingredients, such as Japanese Wagashi (Japanese confectionery), which was only possible in Japan.
The three criteria for judging were (1) appearance and presentation, (2)balance of taste, and (3) durian identity. The finalists included popcorn, cakes, cookie sandwiches, and bean buns, as well as Japanese Wagashi recipes, making this an interesting contest to see how durian was used in a popular sweets that is also familiar in Japan.
Mr. Kunio Shinohara, Chairman of the Japan Durian Promotion Association, gave a summary speech in which he expressed his vision for the future: “I hope that in the near future, durian will be available in Japanese supermarkets, and products developed in collaboration with traditional Japanese confectionery, such as these recipes, will become very popular in Asian countries. He also expressed his vision for the future. This was a valuable opportunity for us to see a positive sign for the popularization of durian in Japan.
[作品名] ひんやりドリアン水まんじゅう
[受賞者名] 山田千歳 氏
Excellent Work
[Title of Work] Cold Durian Jelly Cake
[Name of Winner] Ms. Yamada Chitose

【主催】Organized by:
日本ドリアン普及協会 Japan Durian Promotion Association (JDPA)
在日本マレーシア大使館 Embassy of Malaysia, Tokyo
株式会社かをり果樹園 Kawori Orchard Inc.
【審査員】Judge Panel
・Mr. Nor’ Azam Mohd Idrus (マレーシア大使館公使/Malaysian Embassy in Japan Deputy Chief of Mission)
・Mr. Jaswan Bin Mulop(マレーシア大使館農務部参事官/Malaysian Embassy in Japan Agriculture Counsellor)
・篠原邦夫氏/Mr. Kunio Shinohara(日本ドリアン普及協会会長/JDPA Chairman)
・河野太郎氏/H.E. Kono Taro(日本ドリアン普及協会名誉会長、デジタル庁大臣/JDPA Honorary Chairman、Minister for Digital Transformation)
*河野大臣は、事前に試食、審査のみのご参加となりました。Mr. Kono had tasted and judged the recipe in advance since he had other priority on the event date.

[インタビュー] 最優秀賞受賞者、山田千歳さん
Interview with Ms. Yamada Chitose, the Winner of the contest.
Ms. Yamada spent her childhood in Malaysia. Although durian is a special fruit that reminds her of the lively local markets and tropical air, in fact, she recalls that she was not very fond of durian at the time. Ten years after returning to Japan, Ms. Yamada revisited Malaysia when she was in high school and rediscovered its fascinating charms, resulting in a visit to Malaysia every long vacation. There, she encountered the delightful durian. “When I smell the durian aroma, I have the sensation of being transported to the country,” she said, sharing her first memories of durian. Yamada shared with us the story behind the creation of the “Cold Durian Jelly Cake,” which won the grand prize in the contest this year.
ー 普段からよく和菓子づくりをされるのですか?
Do you usually make Japanese wagashi often?
Making Japanese wagashi is my hobby. So, I had never made Japanese wagashi in a serious way. I like confectionery and other sweet things, and I also like Malaysian kuih (sweets). I had always wanted to do something related to Malaysia, and when I heard about this contest, I decided to give it a try. I was surprised and filled with joy when my name was called out amongst all the beautiful and elaborate Durian sweets that had been created.
ー どのようにして、「水まんじゅう」というアイデアにたどり着いたのでしょうか。
How did the idea of “Mizu-manju (Cold Jelly Cake)” come about?
If we were going to introduce them in Japan, I wanted to combine them with something familiar to Japanese people and something unique to Japan. I considered various Japanese wagashi such as Dorayaki and Uiro. I also wanted to combine them with Japanese wagashi that can be eaten cold, such as mango sweets during the hot summer season when people are craving for tropical foods, so I decided on mizu-manju.
ー 「ひんやりドリアン水まんじゅう」について詳しく教えてください。
Please tell me more about “Durian mizu-manju”.
The bean paste is a combination of cream cheese and durian. Fresh lemon gives it a clean aftertaste so that those who do not prefer the aroma of durian can easily enjoy it. The addition of honey enhances the richness of the durian’s sweetness. Because the filling is rich and has a strong aroma, lemon juice is added to the outer dough to refresh it and balance the sweetness of the filling.
In the judging process, the appearance of the product was also considered important. Mizu-manju looks better and more appetizing when the filling inside the manju is seen through the dough. The cream-colored filling and mint leaf through the smooth dough created a fresh and cooling appearance.
The outer skin of mizu-manju is usually made from kudzu starch, but the contest requirements were that it should be able to be frozen or stored at room temperature, and since freezing is difficult with kudzu starch, I considered alternative ingredients. I thought about using bracken starch and gelatin, but since Muslims cannot eat gelatin ( which is derived from pork skin), I adjusted the transparency by combining “agar,” a jelly ingredient derived from seaweed, and bracken starch to make it smooth but not hard.
ー ドリアンをまだ食べたことがない方にメッセージをお願いします。
Any messages for those who have not yet tried durian?
Durian is a very memorable fruit because of its strong aroma. I would like everyone to try it again and again until you find yourself feeling that “I miss that aroma and that taste”. Then you will discover the charm of durian. I would be happy if my recipe for durian sweets can spark an interest in durian and lead many people to discover its charms.

Other Recipes Selected for Final Selection

A. 「ベイクドドリアンケーキ (Baked Durian Cake)」
作・小林ゆきさん Ms. Kobayashi
ベイクドチーズケーキをヒントにレシピを考案。クリーミーで濃厚なドリアンをチーズの代わりに使用し、ココナッツミルクパウダーとアーモンドプードルを少量加えてコクをプラス。ヨーグルトクリーム添えることでドリアン独特の風味が抑えられ、味の変化を感じられます。パイナップル、パッションフルーツ、レモンの 3 種類の酸味が味のアクセントとなり、複雑な酸味を楽しめるトロピカルなケーキです。
The recipe was inspired by baked cheesecake. Creamy, rich durian is replaced with cheese, and a small amount of coconut milk powder and almond powder are added for richness. The combination with yogurt cream reduces the unique flavor of the durian and gives the taste a change of taste. Pineapple, passion fruit, and lemon accentuate the three types of sour flavors, creating a tropical cake with a complex sour taste.

B. 「ドリアン・チョコレート・ポップコーン (Durian Chocolate Popcorn)」
作・Rosmarlina Binti Abd Ganiさん
For this recipe, I chose popcorn, which is a popular snack and easy to store. To reduce the unique aroma and taste of durian, I mixed durian paste with chocolate. The caramel and chocolate durian popcorn turned out to be a very tasty and unique product with a durian flavor.

C. 「ドリアン桜 (Durian Bean Jelly with Cherry Blossom)」
作・田口雅章さん Mr. Masaaki Taguchi
Taguchi-san’s Japanese wagashi store in Shinbashi is already selling durian wagashi. This is the first such initiative in Japan. In order to create a “durian sweet that even Japanese people can enjoy and get familiar with,” Taguchi used cherry blossoms, a symbol of Japan. The salty taste of fermented cherry leaves brings out all the best of durian, resulting in a taste that many people like.

D. 「とげとげ★ドリあんパン (Thorny Durian Sweet Bread)」
作・竹野ゆりさん Ms. Yuri Takeno
The outer spikes are bread dough with green tea. The inner bread dough contains custard cream with durian paste and azuki bean paste. The custard cream is not too sweet to bring out the flavor of the durian. The azuki bean paste is madeslowly in an enameled pot. Japanese ingredients such as matcha green tea and azuki bean paste are a perfect match with the durian from tropical Malaysia.

E. 「ドリアンクッキーサンド (Durian Sandwich Cookie)」
A cream mixture of durian paste and cream cheese is sandwiched between durian-flavored cookies. The decoration of durian on the top is a charming look of this cookie sandwich.